Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Different Goals - Same Race: Q & A with Steve & Ronnie

L to R: Steve, Shalece and Ronnie

Trainers Corner: Shalece Hibbert
Steve’s goals of losing weight and training hard for the 2011 Penticton Ironman in Canada, allow me to push him to new limits. He always comes in with the attitude of becoming better. The best changes usually start with a thought. Steve’s determination and drive turn these thoughts into reality.

Ronnie has a slightly different goal.  He wants to gain weight and improve his strength while training for the Penticton Ironman.  I look forward to the challenges from Ronnie because he wants me to push him to his max every time.

Steve and Ronnie each completed the Aquaman Duathlon and the Lake Stevens Triathlon this year.  Both of these guys have a great work ethic and have been easy to lead to their goal. Like Dwight D. Eisenhower said when defining leadership:  The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.” Dwight D. Eisenhower

What was your goal when you began your training program?
Steve: To reach 190 pounds. I started my program at 228 pounds and I currently weigh 208.  I
have less than 20 pounds to go, so hopefully I’ll reach it by New Years.

Ronnie: I’ve always had trouble gaining weight. I started my program weighing 135 pounds. I’ve gradually gained weight while training with Shalece.  It’s been great! I am currently up to 150 pounds.

How has Results Personal Training helped to change your life?
It has helped me become a more active, healthy person over the last few months.  It’s probably the best money I’ve ever spent. Shalece works me harder than I could possibly work myself, so I am constantly testing new limits.

Ronnie: Shalece keeps me on target by holding me accountable to my workout routine.  She shows me new workouts every week that are extremely effective.  They are always tough, but when I’m finished I feel like I really accomplished something.  She also reinforces positive eating habits—a longtime weakness of mine.

Have your personal goals changed since you started training?
Steve: A fit lifestyle has been my personal goal for some time. Now I’m actually achieving it.

Ronnie: My athletic goals haven’t changed much, but I am closer to reaching them.  However, my newly achieved fitness has led me to consider a profession in the fitness industry.  I feel like I would enjoy the work and the people.

Do you view yourself differently now?
Steve: I know that I can do things that I would not have been able to do a few months ago, and my self-esteem is higher.  I still have work to do, but seeing actual results is very motivating.

Ronnie: I feel so much better about myself.  It seems like I get a better response from people on first impressions and I feel like I carry myself with a lot more confidence.

What are the biggest factors that contributed to your success?
Steve: Knowing that Shalece would hold me accountable for whatever I did on a weekend or what I ate when I went out.  And I now have a burning desire to actually do something for myself.

Ronnie: The help from the Tri-City Court Club has been amazing.  I always enjoy my time with my trainer, Shalece. I also have to give a shout out to some of the other trainers. Josh Thompson and Catiana Coghlan have given great advice and also worked with me on some of my racing weaknesses.  Erin Holmes has been great at giving me advice on my swim technique. She makes me feel so welcome every morning when I come in to workout. I have told lots of people that my personal trainer is the best thing I have ever paid for and I maintain that.  It’s amazing to have someone to work with towards your goals.

Do you have any other thoughts or words of inspiration?Steve: “Ever tried.  Ever failed.  No matter what.  Try again.  Fail again.  Fail better”.  –Samuel
Ronnie: I think that everyone has their athletic or physical fitness dreams they want to achieve.  It’s hard to keep motivated on your own.  I recommend getting all the help you can.  You won’t regret it especially after you see the amazing results. I would just like to thank the Tri-City Court Club again.  I have wanted to give triathlons a shot for a long time. I even tried training for one on my own but just couldn’t stay motivated.  Now I’m aiming for the hardest one—an Ironman—and it feels great!

What are your current/future goals?
Steve and Ronnie: To finish the Ironman Triathlon in Penticton, Canada on August 28, 2011.

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