Monday, December 7, 2009

Family Fitness with RESULTS!

The Merriman family were members of the Club for many years, but felt they weren’t using the facilities enough to justify the expense. So they cancelled their membership. But a desire to pursue a healthier lifestyle inspired them to become members—again. This time their goal was simple: make the Club the place for the entire family to exercise and play together. Bob, his wife Mary Lynn along with their children Steve and Ann, didn’t want to repeat their previous habit of not using the club. So they jumped in with all eight feet. That was in 2005.

Bob started his fitness journey with personal trainer, Brian Wingert. Brian suggested Bob try group personal training 3-4 days per week. “Getting started was the hardest part,” he recalls. Mary Lynn added, “I dreaded being that person in the room who was least in shape! Without my husband, Bob, encouraging me, I wouldn’t have made it to the first class.” It’s a good thing she did. “Now group training is part of our weekly routine,” Bob explains. “Plus it’s an integral part of our social life.”

Steve and Ann each rediscovered their love for physical fitness and started working out on a regular basis. They attended group personal training classes and did private personal training. In the process they encouraged their parents to combine exercise with healthy eating habits. The kids are in college and grad school now and are dedicated to living a healthy lifestyle. “Ann helped us to change what we eat,” notes Mary Lynn. “We modified our portion sizes, ate more vegetables and eliminated the junk.” Now when the Meriman’s eat out they look at the menu online ahead of time. Their commitment to healthy eating combined with regular exercise has made a huge impact on their results. Mary Lynn observes: “One without the other would not have been as successful for us.”

Bob credits group personal training and the challenging workouts that were consistently fun, for keeping his interest high over the years. “We would never have worked out as hard or for this long on our own,” he says. “Now I have Boot Camp with Lori and Bosu with Catiana. We’re never bored. All the trainers go above and beyond the call of duty. They encourage, challenge, and educate us while helping us to pursue a balanced lifestyle.”

The results of their efforts speak for themselves. Bob’s extended family has a history of serious heart disease. His desire to avoid this path led to a weight loss of 25 pounds. He toned up and rediscovered his love for running. Mary Lynn avoided the weight gain that so many women struggle with as they age. “I’m down to my driver’s license weight, which I lied about at the time—but kept as a ‘goal’ weight. I never thought I’d get there,” she confides, “but I did.”

As a family, the Merriman’s run the Bloomsday Race each year and have also completed the Club’s Summer’s End Challenge for the past several years. “We look forward to seasonal fun runs as a family. Plus,” adds Mary Lynn, “Bob and I set fitness goals such as triathlons, half marathons and marathons. Just a year ago activities like that seemed beyond the reach of two middle aged parents.”

Key Training Tip: Just Start! That was the hardest thing for us. We knew we had a long way to go to get back to a good fitness level. But, we knew it was important for us. We

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Howl 2009

Check out Results Personal Training's Spooktacular Halloween Workout. This amazing workout incorporates strength and cardio using only pumpkins. Check out the photos and be sure to join us next year for year number five. It sounds scary, but you can do it! Stay tuned for more fun events coming to you soon!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Psychology of Fat Loss

There is a more to losing weight than you may think.

* Have you ever reduced your calories and felt deprived?
* Have you questioned why your friend can eat fast foods and not gain weight?
* Have you tried to lose weight and failed?
* Are you looking for an answer?

You can overcome your negative thoughts and see positive results!

DATE: November 30
DAY: Monday
TIME: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
COST: Complimentary
INSTRUCTOR: Ryan Vogt, fitness director
LOCATION: Star Studio

Register in the Personal Training Studio or Call 783.5465 Ext. 201

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Washington Health Day Celebration!

Did you know that Washington Health Day was on September 24, 2009? Results Personal Training was aware of the special day and decided to celebrate. Over 50 participants fron the Tri-City Court Club joined their personal trainers and fitness staff to walk laps at Lawrence Scott Park located in Kennewick, Washington.
The objective of the event was to accumulate as many miles as possible. These miles will be reported to the Washington Health Foundation as part of the Governor's Community Health Bowl. Washington State has a goal of logging 25-Million Miles over a 6-week period. This is important as we are striving to improve our health ranking against other States. Washington currently ranks 10th in overall health. If you are not participating, it is not to late. Head on over to Washington Health Foundation and register to participate on the Tri-City Court Club team.
Thanks to everyone that came out to log their miles. You not only did something wonderful for your own health, you help improve the health of our State.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fitness Can Be a Ball

Calling all individuals that want to have a ball with fitness!

Many of the hottest training tools being used in the fitness industry today are round and unstable. This can make your fitness program  more challenging, fun and enjoyable. Your fitness program can feel like recess did as a kid. Stability balls, medicine balls, Bosu balls, and weighted Pilates and Yoga balls. Come and learn cardio drills, strength training exercises, balance training and the latest new core training ideas from your Results Personal Training team. This event is open to the community. Contact us today to register!

DATE: October 26
DAY: Monday
TIME: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
COST: Complimentary
INSTRUCTOR: Results Personal Training Team
LOCATION: Star Studio
RSVP: Click Here

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Summer's End Challenge

An amazing group of individuals came together this morning. They all ran, walked or cycled their way through the Tri-City Court Club and LifeQuest Fitness Center's Summer's End 3&6 Mile Challenge. This was the 5th year the event has been held. The focus of the event is to get families to be active together. The goal was accomplished once again this year. The Results Personal Training team would like to see you train for the challenge next year. We are "Shaping Bodies and Improving Lives" and our goal is to "Inspire the World to Fitness".
If you would like to take part in activities like the program listed above please contact as at 509.783.5465 Ext. 127 or

Friday, September 18, 2009

Nutrition on a Typical Day...

“I woke up to my alarm this morning at 6:30 a.m. I found myself ten minutes later slumped over the side of my bed with a puddle of drool on the floor. I said out loud, ‘I am exhausted’. Then I fumbled my way to the kitchen to down a preset pot of coffee and a danish over the morning horoscope…”

“It’s time for lunch and I am starving but I am really trying to keep my calories low. I devour my cup of mixed greens with low fat dressing and a handful of almonds…”

“It is nearly 3:00 p.m. and all I can think about is food and what I am going to eat for dinner. I’m really tired and I have to go to the gym tonight and then to my kid’s ball game…”

“I ended up at the Golden Arches as that’s what my kids wanted for dinner. I was so hungry that I ate more than I should have… a lot more.”

“Why do some people make it look so easy? Why can my co-worker eat whatever she wants? Well, I will try again tomorrow…Maybe.”

Head on over to the Tri-City Court Club Monday, September 21 at 6:00 p.m. to attend Nutrition 101. This class is fun, motivating and informative. If you have questions email

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Enhanced Quality of Life

Here are a few tips that we share with clients to enhance their quality of life through exercise:

Make it a habit- schedule and stick to your workouts each week. Be organized and know what you are going to accomplish.

Work it into your life- If your workouts are interfering with everything else than you have the wrong workout. Limit your workouts to 1-hour or less. Try a group personal training class!

Don’t be so hardcore- Don’t keep tempting treats in the house, but enjoy going out for a treat once a week.

Push yourself- There are going to be plenty of times that you don’t want to exercise. Be disciplined and go anyway. Work hard and you’ll feel amazing when you finish.

Find outside motivation- Plan to participate in the following: A community fun run, a health walk or fitness lecture. These events are a great way to achieve your fitness goals without the scale being your main focus.

Laugh more often- Laughing is good for your soul. Take time out to read the daily funnies, watch a funny movie or laugh with your friends. There is not a much better way to relieve stress.

Contact us to discover your perfect exercise routine!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Do You Want Tone Legs?

I love my cardio workouts but I feel like I’m missing something. How can I best use cardio machines to tone my legs?

Vary your routine and get the maximum benefit from each machine. Here are four tips to help tone your legs during your cardio workouts.

* Increase the treadmill’s incline by 1 to 2 percent. This stimulates actual running because your legs have to propel the body forward to stay atop the machine.

* Don’t work just your legs on the elliptical trainer: Keep your arms moving, too. Pumping your arms in a running motion will elevate your heart rate and challenge you to use your legs to balance your body. Try going backwards to challenge your quadriceps.

* To work the buttocks and thighs, try a recumbent bicycle. You’ll turn up the heat by increasing the resistance and pushing for intervals of 1 to 2 minutes.

*If you use the stair climbers, you can emphasize your calves by standing on the balls of your feet.

Variety is the key to achieving toned legs. If you prefer the treadmill or elliptical and always have to wait your turn to get on the machine, try another option such as the climber, rower, or bike. Your legs will appreciate the change.

Written by Ryan Vogt Previously Published in Clublife Magazine Mar-Apr 2006

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Most Important Muscle in your Body

The most important muscle in our body is the heart. Our heart resembles a gas pump in that if not taken care of it can clog, leak, or breakdown.
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Nearly 2000 Americans die each day to heart disease. 1 Death Every 44 Seconds!
Our hearts crave movement and love to be lubed with freshly oxygenated blood. The problem begins when we move to little, eat the wrong foods and smoke. In return we are then labeled with hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity.
Now your heart is working overtime to get you through even the simplest of tasks. Though a very resilient muscle your heart wears down, arteries can become clogged, and it may even break by attacking back. Now your maintenance plan is going to cost you… Doctors, medicine, possible surgeries, maybe even your life.
Mending a broken heart is easier than one may think. Begin by eliminating bad choices and start giving your heart what it craves.

What exercises?
You may be thinking what type of exercise is best for my heart? First find an activity that you enjoy. This can be any activity that is continuous in nature and uses the largest muscle groups in your body.
Your heart will respond to these changes with gratitude in the form of better blood flow and easier breathing, allowing for greater energy levels. Are you taking care of your Pump?

How often should I exercise for a healthy heart?
In general, to achieve maximum benefits, you should gradually work up to an aerobic session lasting 30 to 60 minutes, at least three to four times a week. Exercising every other day will help you keep a regular aerobic exercise schedule. To begin your healthier heart fitness program please schedule a complimentary personal training appointment with a Results Personal Trainer.

What should my nutrition plan look like?
You should eat lean to have a healthy heart. Foods that are high in saturated fat can lead to high cholesterol. Help keep your cholesterol down by eating foods low in saturated fat; such as lean beef, chicken or turkey, fruits and veggies, low-fat yogurt or pasta. The health of your heart is important to us. Click here to receive a complimentary 7-day Heart Healthy Menu Plan.

For more information on getting started with a personal training program please contact Results Personal Training 509.783.5465 Ext. 127 or

Written By: Ryan Vogt

Ryan Vogt, BS Sports and Fitness Management and NASM certified personal trainer is the fitness director at the Tri-City Court Club and LifeQuest Fitness Center, both private health clubs in Washington. Ryan also is a freelance writer, presenter and fitness consultant. Ryan can be reached at or 509.783.5465 Ext. 127

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Feet Hurt!

You have most likely tried to stick to an exercise program before. Most people have. They try over and over again. It may be a New Year's resolution, summer vacation, a wedding or a reunion that motivates you to try again. Eventually, you fail because you basically mimic exactly what you did last time. You might decide to diet again or maybe exercise for 2 hours every day. This represents the definition for insanity – doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result. Whatever forced you off track last time, will more than likely surface again.

At Results Personal Training we often ask our clients to share their obstacles and strategies in regards to reaching their health and fitness goals. In all honesty, most of the time their obstacles list includes a lot of excuses. Please take a moment to watch the following video...

The benefits that you receive from exercise always outweigh the benefits of an excuse.

This time, things are going to be different for you. This time you are going to be prepared. You are going to develop a strategy for overcoming roadblocks posed by work, kids, fatigue or lack of time. You are going to make exercise a priority in your life

Begin by outlining any obstacles or excuses that have surfaced in the past or that you expect will surface in the future. Once you have your outline, then you can determine your strategies for overcoming them. You will be prepared - no surprises, no excuses!

We would love to be the catalyst that helps lead you to a successful outcome. Read below for a few of our success stories!

"Success in anything seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes (not excuses) but don't quit. They hang on after others have let go". ~ Unknown

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Transformation Complete: “Big Adie” to “Little Adie”

Have you ever watched a time-lapse video of a flower from the time it was planted until it blossomed into a beautiful flower? If you have you have witnessed a truly beautiful transformation. If you have ever watched the birth of a child, you have witnessed a spectacular transformation where human life takes their first breath. When you witness such transformations, you stand in awe. We are a society that loves to hear about and witness amazing physical transformations. Adie Titus has completed a total body transformation that has left many people saying “WOW”!

What was your heaviest pre-exercise weight?
When “Big Adie” stepped on the scale it read 220 pounds. “I stopped looking at the scale when it read 220. I’m sure I weighed more than that. But that’s the highest number I actually saw myself,” said Adie.

What is your current weight?
I weigh 147 pounds! I have two pounds to go to reach my goal of losing 75 pounds.

How has Results Personal Training helped change your life?
You mean what part of my life hasn’t been changed….Of course I’m still me. I’m still responsible for my kids and my home. I still work full time at our two businesses. I still have all the demands and stresses that I did before choosing to be healthy. The 100% difference is that I’m FULLY functioning now. I don’t hide in my room anymore. I don’t need bags of candy to make it through the day; I don’t feel fatigued at 2 p.m. and need to lie down. I don’t think about going for a walk and not do it because I just don’t “feel up to it”…I don’t EXCUSE my life away anymore. That is probably the number one realization I’ve had. “Big Adie” had a whole bunch of lame excuses for not being able to do things……”Little Adie” just does them.

Have your personal goals changed since you’ve started living a fitness lifestyle and if so how?
Oh my goodness, I have had many goals in my life. Most of those I failed to accomplish. Losing this weight has shown me that goals are achievable…EVEN FOR ME. It didn’t happen overnight. It’s taken me 2 ½ years to take this weight off. I have learned to make smaller goals that lead to the big results I desire. My goal started with “GET OUT OF BED”. And that was not easy, believe me. Then it progressed to “go to the gym”, then “keep going to the gym” then “get yourself a trainer, you need more help”… As one goal got easier I moved on to something more challenging. The SECRET IS TO “KEEP GOING” until your goal is achieved. Every time I fell off the wagon I had to get back on.

How do you view yourself differently now?
Of course I look a lot different on the outside. I feel a lot more comfortable around other people because of my weight loss. On the inside I feel…truly AMAZING. I have so much more energy. I feel capable, confident and really, really happy.

What are the biggest factors that you feel contributed to your success?
I had to start with the desire to change. And I had to be strong enough to fight for myself and what I wanted. So I guess the biggest factor in my success has to be ME and my attitude.

Second has to be MY SUPPORT TEAM: My family has been great; Grant (my trainer) has pushed me past all my excuses, pains and complaints. I’ll never forget the day he made me do a REAL push up. I actually cried and thought “He is mean, doesn’t he know I can’t do those?” Funny thing is I did it and never have done a girl pushup since. “Oh look, you’re doing it” is one phrase he often uses with me. He has always believed in me and pushed me in ways I couldn’t push myself. For that I’m very thankful. Ryan and the Results Training staff have been super supportive and encouraging. Friends like Chrissy Morgan, my boot camp group and other people I’ve met at the Club have been pivotal to my success. Their encouraging words, high fives and shared tips have made a world of difference for me.

Do you have any other thoughts or words of inspiration?
Like yourself enough to take care of yourself and you will find so much more pleasure in being YOU. I know having a trainer can be expensive but how I look at it is….spending the money now is saving me doctor’s bills and other mental anguish in the future. I’m making a financial investment in ME. And I’m getting back dividends I never even imagined.

Congratulations Adie on your success and the changes you have made in your life. Way to go!

Friday, May 22, 2009

I Got Lean in 13

“If you are having a hard time getting started with a healthier lifestyle or you’ve reached a plateau in your weight loss journey, don’t hesitate to talk to the trainers at Results Personal Training. They are worth their weight in gold.” These words spoken by Bob Ward have been heard a lot around the Results Training Studio since the introduction of the Lean in 13 Program.
Bob joined the Club in September, 2008 weighing 245 pounds and battling high blood pressure and cholesterol. He began personal training with his trainer, Dewey Steinmetz, in January and lowered his weight to 233 pounds and then hit a plateau. “Bob was working very hard in the gym, but if he wanted to reach his goal weight of 200 pounds he needed to make changes to his nutrition plan” said Steinmetz. That’s what these two decided to do…
Dewey had Bob begin his Lean in 13 Program in March weighing 233 pounds. Lean in 13 is designed to jump start your metabolism; adopt healthy eating habits and implement proper supplementation habits. The program is a 13-day nutrition, supplementation and workout plan that helps individual’s burn fat and maintain or increase their lean muscle tissue. “There are a lot of ‘FAD DIETS’ out there that you can’t maintain for a lifetime because they are “out in left field”. It is not a ridiculous grape fruit diet or an Atkins diet that promotes weight loss and not FAT LOSS. Lean in 13 is everything you need in a food and exercise plan; “protein, veggies, good carbohydrates and fruit” said Dewey.

Trainer Testimonial:
Training Bob has truly been a great experience. He has a great attitude and is ready to work hard and push his limits. Many people tell me they want to be healthier and be in better shape, but they simply want results with no effort. Bob actually does his workouts outside of our sessions and really strives to make the necessary changes with his eating habits. Bob has succeeded because he is teachable; he listens and applies our training sessions to his daily life. I am confident that Bob will accomplish his goal of 200 pounds soon!

Client Testimonial:
Dewey has done a great job helping me to realize my complete potential and he pushes me to reach that potential each and every session. He makes each training session challenging and enjoyable. Right now I am maintaining a healthy blood pressure and cholesterol level without medication. I have lost an additional 16 pounds and I am very proud of myself. After so many years of poor diet and exercise the Results Personal Training team and Lean in 13 Program have been a great help. I have 17 pounds left to reach my goal.

To order your very own Lean in 13 program, contact Ryan Vogt at for more information.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Not Your Typical Success Story!

Most people are used to reading success stories which involve a radical weight loss transformation that transcended from a complete lifestyle change. This success story begins with an individual that was living an active lifestyle, camping, skiing and enjoying regular physical workouts. Everything came to a screeching halt on April 1, 2007. Jana Hubbs was involved in a major car accident that severely impacted both hips and her right shoulder. “After the accident I could do minimal walking from place to place, and I could sit and stand alternating for 15 minutes at a time. At night, I would wake up every half- hour to an hour in pain and have to work at changing positions” said Hubbs. Jana would spend the next 6 months rehabilitating to the point that walking around the block became easier. “At that point I felt progress.”

To further her physical progress, Jana’s family bought her a personal training package for her birthday. “I was scared and excited for my first training appointment. I met with Kelli Piggee. We scheduled my personal training sessions for two times per week. I needed to get my mind and body into a routine that was different than what I had experienced over the past several months. You may think that six months is a very short time until you think about the impact of the automobile accident. It was like being away from exercise for a life time because you are completely starting over” said Hubbs.

“During our first session I immediately saw Jana’s determination and drive to feel and see results. She was committed. She had a very positive attitude towards life in general, but especially toward her fitness program. She never doubted herself on any challenge I gave her” said Kelli.

“Anything that dealt with my hips and legs would require me to really think long and hard about how to get my body to complete the task. I had a fear of my hip flexor giving out. There would be times that I had tears in my eyes due to the pain. This went on for 3-4 months. I continued to challenge myself and make sure I followed exactly what Kelli told me to do” said Hubbs.

Since the start of her program, she has lost a total of 8.5 inches, increased her lean body mass and reduced her body fat. When Jana was gone on vacation this summer she even took the initiative to create a workout while boating. For example, she would pull their boat in with a rope and find a place to perform tricep dips and pushups.

“It’s never a dull moment when training Jana. When we’re training she takes a quick breather in between exercises. She interacts with other clients, trainers and staff and before you know it we’re all laughing. She really has an amazing spirit about her and she doesn’t make excuses. She just goes for it” says trainer Kelli.

Jana’s Thoughts about Training:
My trainer continues to motivate me with the right type of exercise routine to continue to see results. She has also helped me to focus on eating right for the lifestyle I maintain.

I was encouraged to do my best and was not judged. I always felt welcome and the staff is willing to respond to my questions.

I am healthy, happy and now can do the things I want or need to do without any difficulties.
Finding someone to encourage and Support you is the key for success. For me that was my husband and Kelli.

Jana’s Training Tips:
1) Take one day at a time.
2) Set a goal of 5 - 10 minutes to walk up and down the street or climb the stairs instead of using the elevator.
3) If you do not meet your daily goal, then start the next day believing that you can. Each day is a new day.
4) Personal Training helps you focus on proper exercise, body position, and teaches you to balance your weights and cardio routine.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

2009 Spout Springs Snowshoe Crew

This amazing group of individuals completed our annual snowshoeing event on January 24. Fun was had by each participant. Thanks to Chuck Wierman (TCCC member) for leading our group for the third straight year. Please mark this event on your calendar and plan on joining us in 2010! Check out the fun we had...