Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Do You Want Tone Legs?

I love my cardio workouts but I feel like I’m missing something. How can I best use cardio machines to tone my legs?

Vary your routine and get the maximum benefit from each machine. Here are four tips to help tone your legs during your cardio workouts.

* Increase the treadmill’s incline by 1 to 2 percent. This stimulates actual running because your legs have to propel the body forward to stay atop the machine.

* Don’t work just your legs on the elliptical trainer: Keep your arms moving, too. Pumping your arms in a running motion will elevate your heart rate and challenge you to use your legs to balance your body. Try going backwards to challenge your quadriceps.

* To work the buttocks and thighs, try a recumbent bicycle. You’ll turn up the heat by increasing the resistance and pushing for intervals of 1 to 2 minutes.

*If you use the stair climbers, you can emphasize your calves by standing on the balls of your feet.

Variety is the key to achieving toned legs. If you prefer the treadmill or elliptical and always have to wait your turn to get on the machine, try another option such as the climber, rower, or bike. Your legs will appreciate the change.

Written by Ryan Vogt Previously Published in Clublife Magazine Mar-Apr 2006

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