Saturday, September 26, 2009

Washington Health Day Celebration!

Did you know that Washington Health Day was on September 24, 2009? Results Personal Training was aware of the special day and decided to celebrate. Over 50 participants fron the Tri-City Court Club joined their personal trainers and fitness staff to walk laps at Lawrence Scott Park located in Kennewick, Washington.
The objective of the event was to accumulate as many miles as possible. These miles will be reported to the Washington Health Foundation as part of the Governor's Community Health Bowl. Washington State has a goal of logging 25-Million Miles over a 6-week period. This is important as we are striving to improve our health ranking against other States. Washington currently ranks 10th in overall health. If you are not participating, it is not to late. Head on over to Washington Health Foundation and register to participate on the Tri-City Court Club team.
Thanks to everyone that came out to log their miles. You not only did something wonderful for your own health, you help improve the health of our State.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fitness Can Be a Ball

Calling all individuals that want to have a ball with fitness!

Many of the hottest training tools being used in the fitness industry today are round and unstable. This can make your fitness program  more challenging, fun and enjoyable. Your fitness program can feel like recess did as a kid. Stability balls, medicine balls, Bosu balls, and weighted Pilates and Yoga balls. Come and learn cardio drills, strength training exercises, balance training and the latest new core training ideas from your Results Personal Training team. This event is open to the community. Contact us today to register!

DATE: October 26
DAY: Monday
TIME: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
COST: Complimentary
INSTRUCTOR: Results Personal Training Team
LOCATION: Star Studio
RSVP: Click Here

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Summer's End Challenge

An amazing group of individuals came together this morning. They all ran, walked or cycled their way through the Tri-City Court Club and LifeQuest Fitness Center's Summer's End 3&6 Mile Challenge. This was the 5th year the event has been held. The focus of the event is to get families to be active together. The goal was accomplished once again this year. The Results Personal Training team would like to see you train for the challenge next year. We are "Shaping Bodies and Improving Lives" and our goal is to "Inspire the World to Fitness".
If you would like to take part in activities like the program listed above please contact as at 509.783.5465 Ext. 127 or

Friday, September 18, 2009

Nutrition on a Typical Day...

“I woke up to my alarm this morning at 6:30 a.m. I found myself ten minutes later slumped over the side of my bed with a puddle of drool on the floor. I said out loud, ‘I am exhausted’. Then I fumbled my way to the kitchen to down a preset pot of coffee and a danish over the morning horoscope…”

“It’s time for lunch and I am starving but I am really trying to keep my calories low. I devour my cup of mixed greens with low fat dressing and a handful of almonds…”

“It is nearly 3:00 p.m. and all I can think about is food and what I am going to eat for dinner. I’m really tired and I have to go to the gym tonight and then to my kid’s ball game…”

“I ended up at the Golden Arches as that’s what my kids wanted for dinner. I was so hungry that I ate more than I should have… a lot more.”

“Why do some people make it look so easy? Why can my co-worker eat whatever she wants? Well, I will try again tomorrow…Maybe.”

Head on over to the Tri-City Court Club Monday, September 21 at 6:00 p.m. to attend Nutrition 101. This class is fun, motivating and informative. If you have questions email

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Enhanced Quality of Life

Here are a few tips that we share with clients to enhance their quality of life through exercise:

Make it a habit- schedule and stick to your workouts each week. Be organized and know what you are going to accomplish.

Work it into your life- If your workouts are interfering with everything else than you have the wrong workout. Limit your workouts to 1-hour or less. Try a group personal training class!

Don’t be so hardcore- Don’t keep tempting treats in the house, but enjoy going out for a treat once a week.

Push yourself- There are going to be plenty of times that you don’t want to exercise. Be disciplined and go anyway. Work hard and you’ll feel amazing when you finish.

Find outside motivation- Plan to participate in the following: A community fun run, a health walk or fitness lecture. These events are a great way to achieve your fitness goals without the scale being your main focus.

Laugh more often- Laughing is good for your soul. Take time out to read the daily funnies, watch a funny movie or laugh with your friends. There is not a much better way to relieve stress.

Contact us to discover your perfect exercise routine!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Do You Want Tone Legs?

I love my cardio workouts but I feel like I’m missing something. How can I best use cardio machines to tone my legs?

Vary your routine and get the maximum benefit from each machine. Here are four tips to help tone your legs during your cardio workouts.

* Increase the treadmill’s incline by 1 to 2 percent. This stimulates actual running because your legs have to propel the body forward to stay atop the machine.

* Don’t work just your legs on the elliptical trainer: Keep your arms moving, too. Pumping your arms in a running motion will elevate your heart rate and challenge you to use your legs to balance your body. Try going backwards to challenge your quadriceps.

* To work the buttocks and thighs, try a recumbent bicycle. You’ll turn up the heat by increasing the resistance and pushing for intervals of 1 to 2 minutes.

*If you use the stair climbers, you can emphasize your calves by standing on the balls of your feet.

Variety is the key to achieving toned legs. If you prefer the treadmill or elliptical and always have to wait your turn to get on the machine, try another option such as the climber, rower, or bike. Your legs will appreciate the change.

Written by Ryan Vogt Previously Published in Clublife Magazine Mar-Apr 2006